This example will help you. Addie Bundren's attitude at the time of the birth of each of her children is reflected in the personality and actions of the child. 0000006368 00000 n This attempt lands him in the insane asylum.Thus the novel shows the family perishing as a result of a negative philosophy that infects or destroys the whole family as either a meaningful unit or as individuals capable of arriving at some understanding of life. Darl, therefore, has Addie's awareness of the complexities of life, but as the rejected son, he rejects Addie's nihilistic philosophy of violence and destruction. bookmarked pages associated with this title. But the very essence of Addie’s family unit is destroyed on the final page of the novel when Anse says “meet Mrs. Bundren” (261). The very fact that the words had tricked her was proof enough that Darl could never help violate her aloneness.And it is ironic that Darl is the one son who continually inquires into the intricacies and awareness of life. Addie herself was born an isolated and lonely soul, openly unloved by her family and rather strongly affected by the nihilistic philosophy of her father, who had taught her that the reason for living was no more than an extended preparation for death.

Thus Addie felt that somehow she had been tricked by Anse's words, and because she had been tricked, she could never accept Darl. Monologue by Addie Bundren: The "insanity" of Darl The whole family thought of Darl as insane person.

Thus Jewel, who was born as a result of Addie's desire for violence, responds to all events with violent and impetuous actions, and he seldom says a word except some violent oath or curse.After the affair with Whitfield, Addie began to prepare for her own death. 0000002395 00000 n 373 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 376 /H [ 997 1240 ] /L 534390 /E 56551 /N 97 /T 526811 >> endobj xref 373 20 0000000016 00000 n In view of Addie's rejection of words and her subsequent rejection of Darl, it is ironic that Darl became the one character who depended the most on the value of words.For ten years, Addie closed herself to Anse. Thus in later life, Darl, through his intricate thought-process, was able to sense that he was the unwanted and "motherless" child.

Using his awareness, however, he seeks to achieve a sympathy and understanding with the family. 0000044740 00000 n 0000000751 00000 n As Cash said "It's like it ain't so much what a fellow does, but it's the way a majority of folks is looking at him when he does it", Darl’s behavior could not be explained. Addie herself was born an isolated and lonely soul, openly unloved by her family and rather strongly affected by the nihilistic philosophy of her father, who had taught her that the reason for living was no more than an extended preparation for death. Thus, there was no conflict between Addie and Cash.But soon after Cash's birth, Addie realized that words are not connected with violence and are useless. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Addie's need for violence is reflected in Jewel, and her desire to let the act replace the word is seen in Cash, who speaks only after some act is definitely performed or completed.Darl, it will be remembered, was born unwanted and at a time when Addie came to the realization that she had been tricked by words. Her voice is harsh and strong. 0000034287 00000 n She said that Anse was dead even though he did not know that he was dead. Although Addie Bundren’s monologue in As I Lay Dying is partly a chronological account of her life and partly a stream-of-consciousness narrative, at its core it is a complex theory of language hinged on this thesis: the word is “just a shape to fill a lack” (72). %PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ Faulkner's purpose was to show how the Bundrens are unable to establish satisfactory relationships within the family. 0000005821 00000 n Her own egocentricity is, in one way or another, reflected in her children.Vardaman's repeated statements that he is not "anything" reflects Addie's opinion that people are nothing when they are not "violating." Dewey Dell tells Peabody that Addie wants him to leave.

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