4 0 obj Use Reproducible #1 – The Setting before Earth Day Worksheet and Questions and video clip from the film Earth Days to help students grasp why Earth Day was necessary.

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endobj 2nd through 4th Grades. APES: American Experience: Earth Days. Then color according to the key to reveal a picture of the planet Earth. 1: Explain how the values of conservation and frugality changed in America after the war. American Experience. ;?����]\�w�����?��8w��畿�o��Wo����sD`�}z^?��^�[�n��v~yyz�.����4��E�[���ts��=흵��F��i58���T���=~���t;����/��6R��� ��n75� ��Im�0[�K�����ŵq�-��K�U������4Nڝ�����vw��z�ޡ�Ds��v�G]W=i5�j��.Aluk��QY���]��p�;@�D��O��c��b:�F� Robert Stone. endobj Name: Brandon Tran. Ie$*�K�� �����s�l�Q�����8g �~ٓk����e6�MaJ�ݴ�3Y�YqDڴ�":�ln����Œ#�� m�D��h]]r��A���3�hS�ȸR,9���x��8��]�T�v�³90���:���,����F����V��Դ/�σJ�CB=xK�!�T��~��Q���GЕ�+TY��k�4ȑ�4J�S��*M�v�m����5��d�R�&Q��|>'����J�=�Ք���

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