A day after six youths were killed when their car overturned on the Mumbai-Pune expressway, Shiv Sena today said the government will soon form a 100-member 'Delta force' to check accidents due to over speeding. On their way to work after celebrating the birthday of a colleague, seven software engineers met with an accident near Bhiwandi Mankoli naka, when the car they were travelling in collided head-on with a Thane municipal transport bus on Tuesday morning. A speeding motorcycle took the life of KBP Hinduja college student Girija Ambala, 19, and injured her friend Kunal Surendra Vaidya, 21. For reprint rights: The fire was initially classified at level II on the Mumbai Fire Brigade's five-level system A day after six youths were killed when their car overturned on the Mumbai-Pune expressway, Shiv Sena today said the government will soon form a 100-member 'Delta force' to check accidents due to over speeding. Two people were killed after their motorcycle was hit by a state transport bus in Dharavi in central Mumbai, the police said on Sunday. For reprint rights: Syndications TodayCopyright © 2020 Living Media India Limited. Five persons were injured after a dumper truck fell from a flyover on slums below, at Mankhurd on the Sion-Panvel Highway in Mumbai today. Find Bandra Station Latest News, Videos & Pictures on Bandra Station and see latest updates, news, information from NDTV.COM. Body of the deceased was lying on bed, five others were present at the residence. A woman, her six-month-old granddaughter and a relative were killed after their car hit a road divider at Worli in the city, police said on Saturday. Two people were killed after their motorcycle was hit by a state transport bus in Dharavi in central Mumbai, the police said on Sunday. A 19-year-old man, son of a hotelier, was killed and his friend injured when their speeding car rammed into a stationary bus at Marine Drive in South Mumbai on Tuesday evening, a police official said. Fire tenders, police and ambulance are present at the spot. Six persons including two children were today killed while three others sustained serious injuries when the taxi they were travelling in hit a road divider on the eastern freeway here, police said.
A father-son duo killed and seven others injured after their car rammed into a stationary police patrolling van in the eastern suburb of Ghatkopar. On their way to work after celebrating the birthday of a colleague, seven software engineers met with an accident near Bhiwandi Mankoli naka, when the car they were travelling in collided head-on with a Thane municipal transport bus on Tuesday morning. Seven persons were killed and at least 12 others injured after a large SUV in which they were travelling fell from a bridge in Mumbai's Yavatmal district today, the police said.
Firefighting operations are underway. The incident took place during a demolition drive carried out by the BMC in the area.
Five persons were injured after a dumper truck fell from a flyover on slums below, at Mankhurd on the Sion-Panvel Highway in Mumbai today. Around eight fire fighting vehicles were dispatched to the location. Today in New Delhi ... Aaditya Thackeray had taken to Twitter soon after the police were able to disperse the crowds from the Bandra railway station. A woman, her six-month-old granddaughter and a relative were killed after their car hit a road divider at Worli in the city, police said on Saturday. Two students of Bandra's Rizvi College died in a hit-and-run on the Western Express Highway on Monday as no passers-by or motorists bothered to call the police or take the two to hospital
The incident occurred at Ramabai Nagar near Eastern Express Highway in Maharashtra. In a hit-and-run caught on CCTV camera, a speeding Wagon R hit two children in Thane near Mumbai on Saturday afternoon. After being knocked down by truck on the Western Express Highway, biker holds on to the underside of the vehicle till other motorists force the driver to stop It further states on receiving a call at around 2 pm on June 14, he visited the spot and house. Accordingly, they registered the accident death report and started investigation. A Mumbai-based family was saved from a near-fatal accident on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway on Monday, after a trailer fell on their car, trapping them inside. The affidavit has been filed by Inspector Bhushan Belnekar from Bandra police station. The fire broke out in the slums that adjoin the Bandra railway station in the western part of the city.The Mumbai Fire Brigade said the fire is currently classified as level II on the fire department's five-level assessment system.Around eight fire fighting vehicles were dispatched to the location.The fire department also said that the fire was confined to hutments present in the slum.Household articles, electric wiring, electric installation, furniture, mattresses, clothes and other such items were among those caught up in the fire.Mumbai: A level-2 fire has broken out in a slum at Shastri Nagar in Bandra.
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