He refuses by stating that he knows Mr. Burns is going to lose the case and will have to pay them the full million anyway. After the trial, Mr. Burns yells at his lawyers because the jury hates him and things seem to be looking up for Hutz. In the episode, Bart is hit by Mr. Burns' car. He watches the rest of the Simpsons' ancestors, including After learning that Homer is going to sue him, Mr. Burns becomes furious and prepares to fire him.

At his mansion, Burns offers Homer a $500,000 settlement and leaves them to discuss it. However, Homer says this isn't about the family's financial issues that he's angry and depressed over. Marge gives the hardships resulting from the accident a dollar value of $5, the sum they would have paid Bart for taking out the trash, had he been able to. Mr. Burns overhears this and withdraws his offer.The next day at the trial, Mr. Burns' lawyer calls an unprepared Marge to the stand much to the shock of everyone. Burns listens in on their conversation in the next room by looking through the cut-out eyes of a painting. He then sends Homer and Marge on their way out by releasing the hounds. Whereas, Marge and Lisa show their shared disgust for Hutz because they're the only ones in the courtroom still convinced that he made Bart lie.

Commentary for "Bart Gets Hit by a Car", in Silverman, David (2003). Mr. Burns then orders them to bring Homer and Marge to his house at once to do so. However, Marge admits she dislikes the situation for what it's become, including Homer's greed and the "phony doctors". Change the target language to find translations.Copyright © 2012 sensagent Corporation: Online Encyclopedia, Thesaurus, Dictionary definitions and more. Burns returns to the room and hastily withdraws his offer. Commentary for the episode "Groening, Matt. His main lawyer suggests an out-of-court settlement between him and the Simpsons. Smithers: Uh-oh. Commentary for "Bart Gets Hit by a Car", in Kirkland, Mark.

While out riding his skateboard with reckless abandon, Bart is hit by a car driven by Homer's boss, Hutz assures Homer if he does exactly what he says, he can get a settlement for a million dollars.

She denounces the doctor as a That night, Homer is depressed about losing the money and leaves to drown his sorrows at The episode includes the debuts of three recurring characters, The Devil says "Please allow me to introduce myself", a reference to In its original broadcast, "Bart Gets Hit by a Car" finished 32nd in ratings for the week of January 7–13, 1991, with a Reiss, Mike. At the trial Burns' lawyer calls Marge to the witness stand, where he demands she tell the court the extent of Bart's injuries. Homer is unsure if he could continue loving her after all this. RoCookies help us deliver our services. Homer turns down Mr. Burns' token offer of $100, and instead hires ambulance-chaser Lionel Hutz to bring an outrageous lawsuit against the millionaire. In its original broadcast, "Bart Gets Hit by a Car" received a After the meeting, Homer goes to see Lionel Hutz, who promises him a cash settlement of $1 million (of which Hutz gets 50% as his "fee"). However, the civil jury is more accepting of Bart's fabricated story and shows sympathy for him. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see Add new content to your site from Sensagent by XML.Get XML access to fix the meaning of your metadata. The brief shot of hell in the episode was inspired by the hell panel (Reiss, Mike. While skateboarding down the street, Bart is hit by a car driven by Mr. Burns. Later on at the Simpson house, Hutz coaches Bart on exaggerating his condition to help win the jury's sympathy. The couple hugs and the bar's customers cheer, and Moe marks down the next round of beer. Alternate Character Interpretation: Homer doesn't want Mr. Burns' settlement of $50,000 … That night at dinner, Homer leaves and goes to The episode includes the debuts of three recurring characters, Lionel Hutz, Dr. Nick and the The Simpsons® is a registered trademark of 20th Century Fox. Marge wants Homerto accept Burns' proposed settlement instead of asking Bart to … He offers them $500,000 to settle the case and then leaves the room to let them discuss it. The episode's plot was based on Billy Wilder's 1966 film, The episode includes the debuts of three recurring characters, Dr. Nick Riviera is voiced by Hank Azaria, who used a "bad Ricky Ricardo" impression. (2002). Marge also wants Homer to accept the generous settlement so they can move on with their lives and get Hutz out of their lives. She arrives at Moe's and apologizes to him for her testimony. When she is asked about her opinion on Dr. Riviera, she's hesitant to talk: stating what her mother taught her that if she doesn't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all. Of course, the bar prevents Hutz from promising a big cash settlement but that doesn’t keep him from, well, promising Homer a big cash settlement. However, Marge's suspicions doesn't go unnoticed as Lisa also sees what they're doing is wrong and dishonest.

He refuses and demands to know why she wants him to accept the settlement. "Hutz is the name, Mr. Simpson.

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