Those recordings are available from the FAA website (or download via FTP Additionally, if you are interested in the NTSB's Cockpit Voice Recorder report and full transcript, you can download that here: A challenging question arose during preparation of this animation: whether or not to include flames and trails of smoke from the engines.

Terrain. Depending on the setup of the individual transponder, the trip point between encoded altitudes is typically from 40 to 60 feet below or above the altitude point recorded. Departure control (15:30:22): Cactus fifteen twenty nine if you can uh …. Ground Proximity Warning System (15:30:04): Too low.

In some situations, just a few data points can lead to important conclusions that could possibly define a timeshift between data sources.All altitude profiles can be plotted on a single graph and shifted in time, scale and offset which results in an overall "best fit" of the true altitude profile for the accident flight. Because the aircraft only traveled on one altitude profile, there are certain ways that the available data must fit to this profile.

Within days of the emergency landing, the aircraft was removed from the river, and in 2011 it was put on display at the Carolinas Aviation Museum in Charlotte. The audio transcripts are displayed on screen for nearly all communications from the mentioned audio recordings. All work you see on this page would withstand the rigors of qualification for presentation either as demonstrative evidence or, if sufficient witness testimony is available, real evidence. We have created our own custom software code to handle the data parsing for this task. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Sullenberger notified LaGuardia’s air control that he was returning to the airport.

If the aircraft's location, pitch, bank and heading are known reasonably well, a spatial analysis tool can be utilized to identify the point of terrain that will generate the shortest return path within the radar altimeter's cone of measurement. In collaboration with other data sources, this is a verification and refinement tool available for the accident reconstruction.Careful alignment and scrutiny of the altitude profiles can sometimes be a crucial tool in correcting for timing errors between data sources. “First Officer), and Patrick Harten (the Air Traffic Controller working the New York Departure frequency at the time of the accident).

A high resolution satellite image serves as the basemap to this animation. Like any other visual element of a reconstruction, consideration and compromise are both required with respect to the details available and the desired end result.

Atmospheric profiles of temperature, humidity, and pressure are needed to correct these measurements and create a true altitude measurement.

In cases of high bank and pitch, radar altitude can be erroneous due to the fact that it is not "looking" directly beneath the aircraft. we don’t have that. Pull up. However, as the plane continued to descend in a glide, Sullenberger believed that it would be unable to reach LaGuardia. Seven attempted return to LGA runway 13 and five made it.
The NTSB To illustrate the depth to which each aspect of the accident has meaning, consider the Captain's choice of words, "This is the Captain, I tend to think that I wish I'd had more time to more fully apprise the flight attendants of the situation that we faced.

Aircraft altitude is in 100's of feet.

LaGuardia departure control (15:27:42): Ok uh, you need to return to LaGuardia?

Furthermore, radar experts could opine on the strength and number of primary radar returns and make a determination as to the quantity of birds that may have been present.

My belief and understanding, based on reviewing the available NTSB/Airbus report, is that the 20 to 30 second delay in assessing the situation was an important deciding factor and that Sully and Skiles probably made a good piloting decision to sink a $40M aircraft in the Hudson….not an easy choice. On the flight data recorder, this altitude channel is sampled at high rates and is typically quite accurate.

Further analysis may eventually refine this hypothesis.

Predictive Windshear System (15:28:45): Go around. I probably spent some amount of time -- I would guess I had maybe four or five seconds to decide to make the announcement and what I should say and I chose my words carefully. US Airways Flight 1549 was an Airbus A320 which, in the climbout after takeoff from New York City's LaGuardia Airport on January 15, 2009, struck a flock of Canada geese less than five miles northwest of the airport and consequently lost all engine power.

At the time of impact, the closure rate between Flight 1549 and the flock of birds was approximately 120 m/s [meters per second].

Passengers and crew standing on the wings of a U.S. Airways plane after it made an emergency landing in the Hudson River, New York City, January 15, 2009. The flight data recorder logged engine information including N1, EGT, fuel flow and many other parameters. I’m doubtful of this, but it’s one of hundreds of talking points that make an event like this such a wonderful learning opportunity for all of us. Sullenberger (15:29:28): We’re gonna be in the Hudson. (15:27:13): (Sound similar to decrease in engine noise/frequency begins.)

Airbus and the NTSB collaborated on an effort to have pilots attempt this in the engineering simulator at Airbus facilities in France. So what we ended up with was it was feeding it fuel and the fuel was coming out the back, out of the nozzle, the core nozzle, and once it got to the oxygen on the outside it could burn there. A great deal of research has gone into avian radar systems in the hopes that an automated recognition and warning system could be created.

Sullenberger (15:27:07): After takeoff checklist complete.
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