which would lead into a subscription loop.Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Try something like this viewModel: var ViewModel = function () { var self = this; self.IssuingcountrySelected = ko.observable(); self.issuingCountries = ko.observableArray(json); var getOptionByName = function (instance, opt, name) { return ko.utils.arrayFirst(instance, function (item) { //returns first matched record if (item[opt] == name) { return item[opt]; } }); } self.IssuingcountrySelected(getOptionByName(self.issuingCountries(), 'Country',... Here are some examples of where this can occur and how to clean up the offending references: Pure computed observables. In order to fix this you can initialize your object first: var EmployeeKoViewModel = {}; EmployeeKoViewModel.errors = ko.validation.group(self); if (!EmployeeKoViewModel.errors().length... Hope some thought come to mind. At this line var EmployeeKoViewModel.errors = ko.validation.group(self); you are trying to create a variable, but the syntax is like creating an object with a property which is of course invalid. Can be called on a manual subscription or computed to remove any subscriptions to it. dispose function.
With that said a subscription has a "private" property isDisposed, but it is not exported. For the final bar, each time allValues is evaluated, it's pushing a brand new object into the returned array. I suggest using a totally different pattern for this.
I see that sometimes when I dispose a subscription its Gb becomes false, sometimes not. In your getConfig method you are returning a config with require which means that your require.js module has to provide the necessary... Is it possible to determine subsbcription disposal status?Knockout source is compiled with Google Closure Compiler so only properties and methods explicetly exported in source appear in compiled library code.With that said a subscription has a "private" property Glimps of source code - ko.subscription (knockout-3.1.0.debug):1) Just an interesting fact about computeds - consider the following computedThe explanation lies in how computed is evaluated - it registers dependencies the following way - if any observable is read (meaning code like The computed is not collected by garbage collector because infact the reference to it exists inside it's dependency.Glimps of source code - ko.computed (knockout-3.1.0.debug):Reference to dependentObservable is preserved because reference to evaluatePossiblyAsync is preserved (Closures, JS and all that Jazz).Whoa, that is all I had to say. If you're right about how the Ajax data comes back, the only thing you need to do is change your bind variable notation. Pure computed observables, introduced in Knockout 3.2.0, provide performance and memory benefits over regular computed observables for most applications. That is why the event binding is not logging correctly. 'Y' : 'N'); } }); }; ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel()); = Checked
... The attr binding It's not hard to save the old value, but it can be annoying to repeat the same pattern when most of your subscriptions require the old value anyway. With KnockoutJS, try to run all your logic and changes on the view models, and let the library handle updating / updates from the view. class TodayVM { asOfString: KnockoutObservable
You are pushing into the underlying combatants array and thus bypassing change tracking. Funny part is that I entered email addresses manually, in contrast with previous attempts on copy&paste them from elsewhere.
This works fine for me as the entire app.
The modal is activated by setting that observable from inside... Knockout subscription insight: detecting if disposed Question: Tag: ... Is the member Gb, a boolean of the subscription object, an active-inactive flag? By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. your coworkers to find and share information.
Knockout documentation clearly states where these these methods are used: Knockout will call your init function once for each DOM element that you use the binding on. Is the member Gb, a boolean of the subscription object, an active-inactive flag?
Also, you can take some action after these black-box functions run, to... If you have this... self.isAssetForTradingEnabled = false; ...you should not do this... 'disabled': !isAssetForTradingEnabled() ...because isAssetForTradingEnabled is not a(n observable) function. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled
The Overflow Blog JSFiddle - Using setTimeout to mimic ajax call. You can use any view model you want for a component if you register it appropriately. Example: http://jsfiddle.net/Lgn4ppwo/ HTML
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