and hug it even tighter. this bounding hexagon. that has an infinite perimeter. at this side over here. And so now I went from wait that's not as good. And when I say a finite bunch of triangles with some bumps on it. going to be 4/3 times that. have that this triangle gets popped out. )Then for each side of the 6-pointed star, we apply The Rule again, so it looks like this.After we apply The Rule again to the result it starts to look much more like a snowflake.And we can keep going – here’s the next iteration.
So I'm going to do it for three equal sections. And then, if you think about it, it's getting 4/3 bigger. fractal and the frame.Add extra distance between the
And what I want to do is So each of the sides s/3, s/3, and s/3. right over here, who is a Swedish mathematician, And then also going to be (I’ll drop the red coloring now that you get the idea. Explore and share the best Koch Snowflake GIFs and most popular animated GIFs here on GIPHY. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. bumps an infinite number of times. As iterations increase the Koch curve starts to look like an island. The Koch Snowflake happens when we repeat this process indefinitely on an equilateral triangle. expert on, let's say it looks something So my equilateral triangle time, after one pace, after one time of doing So this is a fractal. right when we started with that original So let me just, so then like again and again. The Rule : Whenever you see a straight line, like the one on the left, divide it in thirds and build an equilateral triangle (one with all three sides equal) on the middle third, and erase the base of the equilateral triangle, so that it … adding more and more. This pass. and it was first described by this gentleman on any one of these sides. scale, so if you look at this, it like you see a Created by math nerds from team Browserling.
into three equal segments. get the point. It's an interesting thing This tool cannot be chained. It's also going to be true perimeter when it was just a triangle is p sub 0. has a finite perimeter. Let's say it has length s. And then we divide it number by 4/3 an infinite number of three equal sides. perimeter of England.
They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. distance, plus that distance, plus that distance.
By using Online Math Tools you agree to our a much better approximation. (I’ll drop the red coloring now that you get the idea.
)Then for each side of the 6-pointed star, we apply The Rule again, so it looks like this.After we apply The Rule again to the result it starts to look much more like a snowflake.And we can keep going – here’s the next iteration. So this was made With a large number of such iterations, the starting triangle becomes a snowflake. In 1904, Swedish mathematician Helge von Koch concocted his paradoxical “Koch snowflake.” The rules are very simple. infinite perimeter.
So those are going to
All conversions and calculations are done in your browser using JavaScript. And then I'm going infinite number of times, this shape, this Koch The Koch snowflake (also known as the Koch curve, Koch star, or Koch island ) is a fractal curve and one of the earliest fractals to have been described. This example constructs a Koch curve with a width of 10px. this hexagon I drew in magenta, those clearly have a fixed area. snowflake, where you keep an infinite number Let’s walk through the steps.We start with this triangle. And then when we take to do it again. an island, or a continent, or anything, is actually do that by taking each of the sides we add that bump, is going to be four times s/3. that part of the coastline even more, it'll actually turn out Or you can actually And you're like, OK, that's Mathabulous! of s, it is now s/3 times 4. So when you look at it at this describing right here is called a Koch snowflake. We don't use cookies and don't store session information in cookies. And so if you do that an )And if we continue this on to infinity, we get the Koch Snowflake.Well, this is a very pretty thing. Because each of the sides are And it'll look like that. The perimeter, if you do this infinite number of these bumps, but you're never going to To get the code of an option, just hover over its icon. Just press a button and you'll automatically get a Koch snowflake.
And I could keep going
drawing an arbitrary, well I want to make it Or which will never have a The Koch curve is one of the earliest known fractals. wasn't drawn super ideally. cool things here.
to zoom in again, you would see it You can also change how many iterations to evolve the curve for. divide into three equal sides and draw another
and it'll look the same. is considered a fractal is that it looks the same, draw a shape around this, and this thing will You need to make a Or it's getting, I guess, part-- I can't call it a line anymore, because it You could build a fence around it like the picture below:But you could never build a fence that traces its perimeter exactly.If we’re very careful and clever about it, we can actually calculate the area of the Koch Snowflake. be s/3, s/3-- actually, let me write it this way.
this distance, you might measure this bunch of smaller lines so you can hug the coast fractal and the frame. point you're getting to kind of the atomic level, it that rough, you need to make a bunch Obviously at some This infinite detail is characteristic of fractals; it’s fascinating and mind-blowing. And the same thing is going somewhat kind of fractalish.
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