news, national, quad bikes, quad bike deaths, farmsafe Australia, FCAI, helmets, rollover devices The peak body representing the makers and importers of motorcycles says more than 50 per cent of on-farm quad bike fatalities occur during recreational use. "Let's minimise one risk by implementing a standard that stipulates the use of an engineered control. A new Farmsafe Australia report found 22 per cent of deaths … "The report's 10-year comparison found 89 per cent of farm deaths were men while more than 50 per cent were aged above 50.Quad bikes were involved in 128 farm deaths and hundreds more injuries over the past decade.The report also argued farming culture was a serious impediment to making the job safer. Quad bike accidents have been the leading cause of death and injury on Australian farms over the past 18 months. And let's stop looking for reasons that justify human suffering. There aren't any. Vernon Graham @@vjgraham100 20 Jul 2020, 1 p.m. Quad bike deaths and injuries feature strongly in Farmsafe Australia's first Safer Farms report released this … The death of Julatten resident Tyler Pashen has brought the total number of ATV deaths in 2020 to 11. "We as an industry have a lot of work to do to address the fatal flaws of the cultural belief system in relation to quad bike safety. "I cannot think of a more important need to advocate for than the need to come home safely at night," the farmer from Nyngan said in the report.He said he agreed with a push to make helmets and training mandatory, along with banning children from adult bikes. As more evidence is gathered, the safety benefits from improving the design of quad bikes, including the fitting of OPDs, is being recognised by coroners, courts and work health and safety agencies. We distribute to more than 70 communities including remote cattle stations in Cape York. For more information go to The Express is distributed across our great far northern region including the major hinterland towns of Mareeba and Atherton. To meet this requirement, Mojo Motorcycles worked with Quadbar, an Australian OPD manufacturer on a tailored OPD solution that will be installed by their dealers during the pre-delivery process.“Quadbar was one of two OPD manufacturers listed in the Government standard. With a total of 128 fatalities between 2011–18. Change: Australia has recorded 91 farm deaths and 203 injuries since 2019, with quad bikes and tractors still the leading causes of accidents. The death of Julatten resident Tyler Pashen has brought the total number of ATV deaths in 2020 to 11. An OPD alone will not stop all deaths and serious injuries, however, a quad bike with a properly designed and engineered OPD will help mitigate injury risk in the event of a rollover. The deaths of a mother and her young daughter in a quad bike crash in Ballycastle has plunged the local community into mourning. The death of Julatten resident Tyler Pashen has brought the total number of ATV deaths in 2020 to 11. With a total of 128 fatalities between 2011–18.In 2019 The Federal Government announced new laws requiring new quad bikes to be fitted with mandatory rollover protection, after pressure from farming and medical groups.All quad bikes sold after October 2021, will need to be fitted with the rollover protection.This has led to the big four quad bike manufacturers Yamaha, Honda, Polaris and Suzuki announcing that they would stop supplying quad bikes to the Australian market.While the big four have announced that they will exit the Australian market in 2021, one company has announced that not only will they be staying in the Australian Market; but they will also be fitting the mandatory safety equipment to their quad bikes immediately, almost a year ahead of schedule.Michael Poynton Director of Mojo Motorcycles, the Australian distributor for CFMOTO, said that they have already released a 400cc quad bike that complies with stage 2 of the Australian Government mandatory Consumer Goods (Quad Bike) Safety Standard.The Australian Government announced the introduction of the Consumer Goods (Quad Bike) Safety Standard in October 2019.
Being an Australian made product with 13 years of research and development invested in their design, we viewed them as a good partner to work with for the supply of OPDs to meet the requirements of stage 2 under the standard”, said Poynton.The new stage 2 laws take effect from October 2021. Our investigation indicated an OPD, without any other regulatory intervention, may help to prevent around a third of all quad bike deaths in Australia. Quad bike accidents have been the leading cause of death and injury on Australian farms over the past 18 months.A new Farmsafe Australia report found 22 per cent of deaths and 35 per cent of non-fatal injuries involved the bikes.The research released on Wednesday analysed 91 deaths and 204 injuries between January last year and the end of June this year.After quad bikes, tractor incidents were the next biggest killer at 13 per cent followed by animals at eight per cent.In the first six months of this year, there were nine quad bike deaths compared with 11 during the whole of last year.The findings come after the federal government made crush protection mandatory on all quad bikes despite fierce backlash from leading manufacturers.Honda, Yamaha and Polaris have all promised to stop selling quad bikes in Australia when the regulation comes into force in October 2021.Local dealers and some farmers have also joined the fight, running social media campaigns against the proposed laws.Farmsafe Australia chair Charles Armstrong notes strong opinions about the group's position, including accusations of ignoring farmers.
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