4. Unable to compete in the market(sentencedict.com), some of Microsoft's rivals have already sought 57. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and build good sentences.46. Taking refuge in the dharma, taking a passionless approach, means that all of life is regarded as a fertile situation and a learning situation, always. These people are seeking/taking refuge from persecution. 177. a place that offers protection or serves as an escape. If you harm an animal while visiting the wildlife refuge, you’ll be arrested and charged with a federal crime. ; brit she was worsted in the conflict and for some time had to seek The town came voluntarily under Roman sovereignty in 318 B.C., afforded a The medieval castle of the Frangipani, in which Conradin of Swabia vainly sought The day after, he was forced to leave Paris, and took 609 Pulikesin II., the Chalukya king, defeated Mahendra-Varman, a Pallava chief, and drove him to take On the 10th of August the Tuileries was stormed, and the royal family took He was, however, in his turn driven out of Afghanistan in 1809 by Mahmud Shah, and found The country round was roused and large numbers of settlers and others turned out and besieged the cattlemen, who had taken The Reformers turned to the state for protection against the Roman Church, and ultimately as a Dangerous rocks outside the mouth have been partially removed and the remainder protected, and the Tyne forms a very safe harbour of The Prussian government intervened and Ruge soon afterwards left for Paris, hoping, through his friend Alexandre Ledru-Rollin, to establish relations between German and French republicans; but in 1849 both Ledru-Rollin and Ruge had to take Having slain his uncle (or other relatives) he fled for His first historical enterprise was interrupted by the French Revolution, which forced him to take In 1468 twenty of the academicians were arrested during the carnival; Laetus, who had taken They are of three kinds: - (i) Depots de mendicite (beggars' depots); (2) maisons de Their presence is explained by the legend that, when the Dorians conquered Peloponnesus, the Neleidae were driven out and took to take severe measures against Arnold, who had to leave France and take in 1713, however, many French Jansenist priests took The Armenians of Persia, in so far as regards their ecclesiastical state, are divided into the two dioceses of Azerbaijan and Isfahan, and, since the late troubles in Turkey, which caused many to take According to the account of Herodotus, the dynasty was derived from Deioces, the captive of Sargon, whose descendants may have found How vital was the nomadic element rn the Parthian Empire is obvious from the fact that, in civil wars, the deposed kings conThe Iranian sistently took The members of the Arsacid line who fell into the hands of the victor were put to death; a number of the princes found As the external and internal distress still continued he was dethroned and imprisoned, but took But little by little it vanished from Iran, with the exception of a few remnants (chiefly in the oasis of Yezd), the faithful finding a The first of the house was Aiptagin, a Turkish slave of the Samanid Mansur I., who, having quarrelled with his master, took Nadir had sent an ambassador into Hindustan requesting the Mogul emperor to order the surrender of certain unruly Afghans who had taken The woman is a feisty one but her daughter is such a beauty I'm obliged to keep mommy alive for at least a short time until we are locked in the privacy of my Dan leaned back into the hollow of the tree in which they'd taken Like his brothers, Napoleon and Lucien, he embraced the French or democratic side, and on the victory of the Paolist party fled with his family from Corsica and sought But towards the end of 1868 Shere Ali's return, and a general rising in his favour, resulting in their defeat at Tinah Khan on the 3rd of January 1869, forced them both to seek One merciful provision, however, had existed from time immemorial, and that was [the puuhonuas] sacred inclosures, places of She is not mentioned in Homer, although the hearth is recognized as a place of In 307 he brought the emperor Flavius Valerius Severus a captive to Rome, and also compelled Galerius to retreat, but in 308 he was himself driven by Maxentius from Italy into Illyricum, whence again he was compelled to seek Besides, the inhabitants might be sued before the town court only, and to fugitives from the country who had taken It was not till the invasions of Hun and Langobard that fugitives from the Venetian mainland took Of the "Hidden Seed" the greater number were Germans; they were probably descended from a colony of German Waldenses, who had come to Moravia in 1480 and joined the Church of the Brethren; and, therefore, when persecution broke out afresh they naturally fled to the nearest German The avifauna, of course, becomes poorer; nevertheless, the woods of the steppe, and still more the forests of the ante-steppe, give In January 1678 a palace revolution broke out against the queen-regent, who was driven from Madrid, and Valenzuela fled for In Athelstan's reign these animals abounded to such an extent in Yorkshire that a retreat was built by one Acehorn, at Flixton, near Filey, wherein travellers might seek He joined Ledru-Rollin in the attempt of the 13th of June 1849, after which he sought Owing to the strong Guelphic sympathies of the inhabitants, and the inaccessible nature of the site, Orvieto was constantly used as a place of It is possible that some had escaped by taking timely The land which, a millennium before, had been a prison for the Jewish exiles was now their asylum of of Cape Lithinos is the small bay of Kali Limenes or Fair Havens, where the ship conveying St Paul took They carried on hostilities with such success that they soon made themselves masters of the whole of the open country, and drove the Turks and Mussulman population to take The advance of a Turkish detachment through the western districts, where other garrisons were besieged, was marked by pillage and devastation, and 5000 Christian peasants took Affairs were brought to a climax by a series of conflicts which took place at Canea on the 4th of February; the Turkish troops fired on the Christians, a conflagration broke out in the town, and many thousands of Christians took On the same day Georgi Pasha, the Christian governor-general, took In later times the town frequently served as a place of But such a temper of mind is much more akin to scepticism than to mysticism; it is characteristic of those who either do not feel the need of philosophizing their beliefs, or who have failed in doing so and take It was abandoned in the 15th century on account of the inroads of pirates, and the inhabitants took It was perhaps after this that David made a last attempt to find a place of Forced to flee by the treachery of the very men whom he had succoured, he lived for a time in constant fear of being captured by Saul, and at length took In his absence the open violence and extortion of Agesilaus, combined with the popular disappointment at the failure of the agrarian scheme, brought about the restoration of Leonidas and the deposition of Cleombrotus, who took In June 1306 he was defeated at Methven, and on the 11th of August he was surprised in Strathfillan, where he had taken Firdousi directed his steps to Mazandaran, and took The persecuting measures of 1523, from which Faber found a a Turkish slave, Alptagin, had been entrusted with the government of Bokhara, but, showing himself hostile to Mansur I., he was compelled to fly and to take In a time of moral corruption and oppressiverule, as the early empire repeatedly became to the privileged classes of Roman society, a general feeling of insecurity led the student of philosophy to seek in it a Attempts were made to seize Tyndale at Worms, but he found After a temporary arrangement of terms with the raja of Vizianagram the old feud broke out again, and the Bobbili chief was forced to take This would seem to show that in some instances the earlier Malay immigrants fell or were driven by the later invaders back from the coast and sought The waters near shore are shoal, and as there are few harbours of Milwaukee, situated on the shore of Milwaukee Bay, on the western side of the lake, is, next to Chicago, the largest city on the lake, and has a large commerce and a harbour of He was disgraced when Dagobert became sole king in 62 9, and had to seek Marguerite was at once one of the chief patronesses of letters that France possessed, and the chief During the popular movements of 1831 Marie Louise had to take Liu Yung-fu, the notorious Black Flag general, and the back-bone of the resistance, sought She left Prague on the 8th of November 1620, after the fatal battle of the White Hill, for Kiistrin, travelling thence to Berlin and Wolfenbiittel, finally with Frederick taking Saturninus, defeated in a pitched battle in the Forum (Dec. 10), took The greater part of the defeated fleet was afterwards burned in the harbour of Palermo, where it had taken Colonel Swayne thrice defeated the enemy, who lost 1200 men and 600 taken prisoners, and the mullah fled across the Haud, taking Antoninus directed that slaves treated with excessive cruelty, who had taken He rose accordingly with a few followers, but was soon defeated and forced to take At one time hope, at another despondency, now assured confidence, now doubt and despair, here a firm faith in the speedy coming of the kingdom of .heaven, there the thought of taking We have, however, sufficient Theories of evidence that they were used as places of In the later history Bashan became remarkable as a The great subterranean " city " at Ed-Dera'a has been partially destroyed by the local sub-governor, in order to prevent it becoming a In that year a horde, variously estimated at from two to four thousand souls, with their flocks and their slaves, driven originally from their Central Asian homes by the pressure of Mongol invasion, and who had sought in vain a At last the armies of sultan and pretender met at Ulubad (Lopadion) on the Rhyndacus in Asia Minor; Mustafa's troops fled at the first onset; Lampsacus, where the pretender took At the outset of the reign Bayezid's brother, Prince Jem, made a serious attempt to claim the throne; he was defeated, and eventually took He next turned against the Mameluke rulers of Egypt, crushed them, and entering Cairo as conqueror (1517), obtained from the last of the Abbasid caliphs,' Motawakkil, the title of caliph (q.v.)
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