Upstate NY SRA Regions. If you are an organizer or activist, this will help you think about and prepare for the practical aspects of doing organized mutual aid work.Faye interviews two Tulsa SRA mutual aid organizers on how they found space, collected donations, sterilized and quarantined supplies, and delivered food directly to those impacted by COVID-19. We also discuss some of the history of the oppression of Latino people in the United States, and why it might be important to adopt a culture of community defense.The West Los Angeles chapter of the SRA has been engaged in mutual aid work since the start of the COVID-19 lockdowns in California. In a discussion style panel, we talk about the wave of anti-abortion bills sweeping the nation, Iran and Venezuela, and some tips and advice for gun owning radicals.Faye and Austin discuss the role of right wing militias, Pinkertons, and the FBI in oppressing the left and propagating fascism. Finally, "frugal" billionaires and Amazon's labor struggles.This is part of a Patreon series to provide some extra content for those who support the show at Patreon6, the first episode being made public to premier the series. A police lieutenant sells too many guns and gets busted.
The Department of Health and Human Services employs elementary school level sex ed to make guidelines about human sex and gender, to expectedly terrible results. Never disarm the working class! We want to hear from you too! We are offering these online courses for free to all leftist orgs and groups here in the Sacramento area. A podcast for the SRA community and greater leftist community, particularly the gun owning parts of it. Hamilton about the AK-47: its history, mechanics, and modern application.Recorded live at the first SRA National Convention in Denver, CO — Faye, Alex Humva, and Breht O'Shea join forces in a Q&A style podcast panel, taking questions from SRA organizers and members.Faye and Austin discuss cement milkshakes, antifa, Proud Boys, police brutality, migrant concentration camps, firearms for home defense, and more. A judge rules that maybe the police can compel you to unlock your phone, another judge rules Trump can't union bust, a Georgia superintendent gets racist on tape, and Verizon gets a fiery reaction after throttling fire fighters. Your credit card information is sent to Stripe using an encrypted tokenized system, and the only information visible to us is the last 4 digits of your credit card number. … The Socialist Rifle Association is a multi-tendency organization dedicated towards arming the working class, both physically and mentally.

Central Committee Become a …

While the organization and its chapters do at times sanction presence at protests, we forbid armed protests under the SRA banner, as this is not the goal of the SRA. Musk gets a few tokes on while his executive staff flee the company and his workers get fired for drug tests. Central Committee Become a … This episode was meant to air the week prior but alas, scheduling delays.The podcast checks in on how the SRA is doing, Cody Wilson skirts around his injunction by selling hard copies of the liberator code, a Department of Education report is 95% wrong about school shootings, California passes a law to let your boss tell a judge to take your guns away, the Oath Keepers form an anti-leftist training program like it's 1932 all over again, the police have trouble keeping transgender individuals safe, Elon Musk is insane, California takes on the FCC, Trump says Google is being mean to him, a sports player makes an ironically good point about gun control, and finally Latino citizens get their citizenship stripped by the border. Alex and Faye discuss the hurricane relief efforts briefly, then get into the shocking news that an ancap did something awful. Charlie (@SabCharlie) and Josh speak about their experiences as members of the SDF International Brigades and their participation in the liberation of Raqqa.Faye and Austin hold a roundtable with their comrades Ellie and Rowdy, discussing recent news in the American labor movement and how it ties into the larger class struggle. Faye answers Austin's questions about defensive handgun calibres. All financial transactions are handled by Stripe, a commercial online payment processor. What you've got there is an "arm brace" which is not designed or intended to be used as a … Socialist Rifle Association 2,499 views. Message us here on messenger or at For information about our national organization, shooting and self defense, or other resources visit our website at We are proud to announce that we are now offering our "Gun Safety Basics" as well as our "How To Obtain A Firearm" educational courses for free to the public!
Socialist Rifle Association 501 views. S2 - E6: Worst Case Scenarios - Duration: 1:15:43. Plus there was a big big overlap with the Furry community demographic. Faye interviews Rowdy about Epistemic Nihilism, the nature of ideology, the roots of eco-fascism, over-consumption, and left unity.Faye and Alex make some important announcements about upcoming SRA elections, then discuss the recent trend of reactionary "class-first" Marxism and how it is corrosive to the socialist movement. Opposing fascism and reactionary ideologies is a multifront struggle, and we fulfill the education portion of that struggle.As a not-for-profit corporation registered under the 501(c)(4) section of the tax code, the SRA is “owned” by no one.

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