Trouble is, they can't find the cake.A miniature golfer's winning streak sounds too good to be true. Operating out of the granny flat in Ezra's backyard, these disparate kids from Grade Five are led by Maudie, a freakishly gifted observer of human behaviour. Where? Three friends cook up spells to unlock the secrets and curses that befall their small town. But first they have to find Ezra's fish.Four clever school kids start their own detective agency and vlog about their adventures, becoming fast friends in the process.An optimistic, talented teen clings to a huge secret: She's homeless and living on a bus. ... Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series … A student's flashy robot costume goes missing on Science and Technology Day.The latest snack craze sparks a theft at school.

The whole class is invited to a laser tag and pizza party ... or are they?Ezra ordered pizza and got ... a salad roll. The Inbestigators: Season 1 (Trailer) Episodes The InBESTigators. Season 2 Trailer: The Inbestigators. But this time they've gone too far and their punishment will be no Christmas vacation and a seemingly boring boat trip with their ... Four clever school kids start their own detective agency and vlog about their adventures, becoming fast friends in the process.There's a new girl at school who makes quite an impression on Ezra -- then the Inbestigators get their very first case.Pixie's solar system diorama has gone missing, but did she make one in the first place? Coming up this Saturday 8th August 2020 at 9am - all the big announcements from XBOX and PlayStation, new games plus our not-E3 special! Four clever school kids start their own detective agency and vlog about their adventures, becoming fast friends in the process. Kyle and Ezra partner up for an online math competition.A woman accuses the school's kindhearted crossing guard of stealing her handbag. Maud introduces ... Tratto dai libri di Ahmed Khaled Tawfik.La vita di un leggendario cacciatore di mostri marini è stravolta quando una ragazzina sale sulla sua nave e fa amicizia con la bestia più pericolosa di tutte.Una consulente sposata e un giovane informatico si sfidano a mettere in discussione le norme sociali, in un provocante gioco dalle conseguenze imprevedibili.Un gamer adolescente è costretto ad accudire tre bebè dotati di superpoteri provenienti dallo spazio che il suo videogioco preferito fa atterrare nel suo cortile.Dopo un incidente che lo lascia in sedia a rotelle, Ángel decide di vendicarsi di chi l'ha tradito e soprattutto della donna che l'ha abbandonato nel momento del bisogno.Elvis scambia la sua tuta bianca con uno zaino jet ed entra a far parte di un programma di spionaggio segreto per sfidare le forze del male che minacciano la nazione.The Investigator: A British Crime Story: Stagione 2 (Trailer) La vita isolata della donna non lascia molte piste da seguire, ma emerge un indizio allarmante.Sam parla della peculiare situazione abitativa dei suoi genitori. Was this review helpful to you? The Inbestigators Season 2 Zumbo's Just Desserts Season 2. The Inbestigators enter a competition for young entrepreneurs.Someone sabotaged a wildly successful lemonade stand, but who? Monday, January 13. Erscheinungsjahr: 2018. These school-age sleuths ask smart questions -- and they always solve the case! Maudie's beside herself after losing her special notebook.Mrs. Dopo 40 anni di indagini inconcludenti, il famoso criminologo Mark Williams-Thomas riesamina una serie di misteriosi omicidi.Mark indaga sulla scomparsa di Louise Kay, adolescente di Eastbourne, ma il caso prende una nuova piega dopo una scoperta cruciale riguardante un famoso indagato.Mentre la complicata caccia alle risposte si evolve, Mark raggiunge Glasgow ed esamina i terribili omicidi di Anna Kenny, Agnes Cooney e Hilda McAuley.Grazie ai suoi sforzi, Mark arriva a un ultimo caso di omicidio che rischia di smentire la sua teoria dei due sospetti scellerati con una storia altrettanto instabile.Questa inquietante serie poliziesca basata su una storia vera riapre il caso di Carole Packman, scomparsa nel 1985, che portò alla condanna del marito per omicidio.Anni dopo la scomparsa della madre, Sam Gillingham è in cerca di risposte. The Inbestigators Season 2 Trailer 2020 - Duration: 1:01. Mark Rober Recommended for you. Maniaci's roses are ruined by a tampered sprinkler system.

These school-age sleuths ask smart questions -- and they always solve the case! The Case of the Curious New Girl / The Case of the Disappearing Deliveries 32m. Poppy's lost her hat, and now she can't play outside.A little girl's drone flies off and disappears -- but the Inbestigators witnessed everything. Trouble is, they can't find the cake.A miniature golfer's winning streak sounds too good to be true. At a school fundraiser, the fortune teller's predictions are eerily accurate.Who slipped Mr. McGillick's phone into a tub of rice -- and why? The Case of the Curious New Girl / The Case of the Disappearing Deliveries The kids throw Mr. Barker an awesome '80s-themed birthday party. Later, the Inbestigators film a commercial. Twelve-year-old identical twins Dru and Kal discover that the government is secretly tracking and manipulating Australia's youth via electronic tracking devices. Noah, an 11-year-old boy with social anxiety disorder, has to start middle school, he turns to a mutt named Dude, a sarcastic emotional support dog who might need Noah as much as Noah needs him.

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