If it's your network, only share it with people you trust.
The "Passphrase" needs to be typed exactly the same on all wireless devices, including the router. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. A WPA key is another name for a wireless network password.
If a wireless router is set up with WPA encryption, you need the WPA key for network access and to make changes to the settings of your network. The default user name is admin. The "Key" or "Passphrase" should be a randomly generated 'password' that allows wireless clients, like your Desktop that you want to connect wirelessly, access to the router. WEP is hackable and WPA isn't as strong as WPA2.
Can you tell me on what page I can find the information and how to access the WEP key??
I have looked everywhere.
Under Security Options, select a radio button for one of the following WPA options: WPA-PSK [TKIP] WPA2-PSK [AES] WPA-PSK [TKIP} + WPA2-PSK [AES] WPA/WPA2 Enterprise I'm not sure what installation software you are referring to, as neither the router or the computer needs software to be installed.
Obtain it from whoever runs the network.
I always read the manual and read this one several times.
I need to connect another desktop PC wirelessly to the router.
Unless you are referring to the drivers, but it's doubtful that would require a key. The installation SW is asking to enter WEP or WPA keys. Select Wireless. NETGEAR recommends changing the default password to increase the security of your network.
Under Security Encryption (WPA-PSK) > Passphrase, enter a passphrase. Enter the router username and password when prompted. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.
How do I find them? Thanks for the reply. Where do I go to find it?in the wireless setup in the router if you didn't change it from the default it's on the router label on bottom or back of router.If you're still lost push reset until power LED flashes then use default settings on same label
WPA stands for Wi-fi Protected Access.
Sorry for the frustration. Thanks I have the latest firmware on 4000.
So most likely the key you are referring to is the one used in the router and the one that's needed for the client to connect.
Re: How to find the WPA2 Key in the wireless setup in the router if you didn't change it from the default it's on the router label on bottom or back of router.
If you forget your password, see if it's printed on your router.
The default password is password.
Reset the router to factory settings to restore the original password. If you're still lost push reset until power LED flashes then use default settings on same label Okay, I have absolutely no idea how to find my WPA2-PSK [AES] key. In a wireless network, the WPA key is a password that protects the network from outside intruders. Under Security Options, select WPA-PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access Pre-Shared Key). Select Wireless Settings from the Setup menu in the left-hand navigation bar.
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