Their body colour changes from an olive/dark green to a grey on the back, fading to a greenish or silver on the sides and whitish belly some having a touch of gold from clean waters.

This is not an ideal option for people who fancy a nice lawn since it will kill your grass, but if you have a wooded area that you don't really care about this could work for you. As shown in the video above, the actual lure being used is not nearly as important as the spot that you’re fishing when it comes to catching redfish. Caught many redfish on soft plastics like worm, craw worm, brush hog, sweet beaver,senko, ribbit etc. Local angler Bill Ryan had a weekly fishing report on Prime TV that consisted mostly of catching redfin in Burrendong Dam. Jim Bob is an all-round angler who loves targeting all manner of species that pull line from a spool. Ice jigs can be worked at any depth but they seem to work best around the bottom of the lake.

Redfin are hard-fighting schooling fish which are considered by many to be a problem species for one reason or another but regardless of what one might think, it looks like they’re here to stay. We hooked 3-4 redfish (I had a big one get off at the boat) and I was wondering if anyone else has caught redfish with a worm? The anticipation of watching your lure sink through the water column until it disappears into the fish cloud on your screen is exciting. There are a couple of other lures that you should have to entice these fish. Most bait jiggers use a paternoster rig – one or two hooks tied on the main line or short leader above the sinker so that the sinker sits on the bottom and the hooks are off the bottom. Then it’s just a matter of going back to your markers with your rods loaded for action. Sometimes a jigging action involving big, wild and fast lifts is what is required to provoke the reddies to strike. Worms are mainly spread in small bits of poo from people with a worm infection. Methods like this give them a reputation as voracious predators and pest! Some are caught from food.

Redfin fishing with worms. Different size of worms for different size fish. If the redfin have not attacked your ice jigs they are more than likely shut down but a change of lure could well be their undoing. But, the most surprising red fish I caught years ago was on a Hawaiian wiggler LINK on the St. Johns River. Loaded with a light 2-6lb braid with 4lb being the ideal weight, as it makes for an intense fight on some of the larger fish.Soft plastics are an excellent lure for Redfin and are best worked very slow, with 1 or 2 winds of the reel to 3 or 4 small rod twitches, keeping the line tight till the lure is back in touch with the bottom. Most baits work well on redfin at one stage or another but garden worms and small yabbies are most favoured. I caught the redfish on a worm. Watching the fish starting to go crazy over your jigged lure on the screen, you feel the tapping on your line and then bzzzzzz!

Bait fishing can give great results and the methods are similar for most other fresh water fish.Other baits that work are small yabbies, maggots and corn…..and people have caught them in a whole lot of other stuff as well.If I’m bait fishing I always use a small running sinker or berley cage down to a size 8 baitholder hook. Another way is also to place the live worms in a sifter, running water over them to remove the soil, then freezing the worms. Fish close to the bank rather than cast out to the middle especially if the bank drops sharply into the water. Redfin are known for having a go at eating something that is double its size and having no chance of getting it down.Bait fishing for them is just as easy if you have a mixed bag of baits such as: worms, shrimp and small yabbies’ are just what a redfin have on their mind for dinner. Best fished as a bottom fishing rig ie hook at the end of the line and a sinker with either a split shot or swivel set about 30 cms above the hook. Redfin can be quite easy to catch at times and are a good species to get people into fishing. Have caught many redfin this way….caught 7 the other day all above 25cm which is a decent size…..biggest I ave caught is 36cm using the soft plastics.biggest redfin I have caught was 48cm on a red rum squidgy. I find a change to a noisy rattler of some description wakes them up. I much prefer the taste of redfin over any of these other fish and I get a real buzz from watching a big cod or trout swim away healthy after a memorable fight. Adelaide hills fishing - YouTube And down in Venice, I catch reds and bass side by side almost every trip Redfish can survive in brackish/fresh water, but the as the salinity goes down, their ability to spawn decreases.My uncle used to take us kids to Calaveras Lake just outside of San Antonio to fish...we'd catch red fish on grubs/worms rigged for stripers.

Once a school is located, you can either keep the boat in position by dropping anchor, using your electric motor or you can drop a marker buoy. Their flesh is arguably one of the best-tasting of any fish that swims but the downside in some waterways is that overpopulation can make it difficult to catch fish large enough for eating. At worst, even if it doesn’t breed it will be bigger next time you or someone else catches it. Drop a rigged plastic like a Berkley Gulp, Ecogear Grass minnow, Ecogear Power Shad or Slider on a 1/4oz to 5/8oz jig head to the bottom and slowly roll the plastic up through the school.

Bait fishing for them is just as easy if you have a mixed bag of baits such as: worms, shrimp and small yabbies’ are just what a redfin have on their mind for dinner. Catch Worms With Boards or Cardboard. When you see these lures in action for the first time it’s a real eye-opener and you can clearly see why they are so deadly on deeply schooled fish. On this site you will find the best information there is on offer when it comes to freshwater fishing. The action when jigged is phenomenal; they really do look like a yabby or shrimp trying to flee.

I have an electric bow mount with a Lowrance X125 transducer attached and find these really help to locate fish without spooking them.

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