1. Elean officials, who not only adjudged the prizes at Olympia; but decided who should be admitted to The Morelianos are noted for their love of music, and musical competitions are held each year, the best band being sent to the city of Mexico to Some Gnostics sprinkled the heads of the dying with oil and water to render them invisible to the powers of darkness; but in the East generally, where the need to The interior of Greenland contains both summer and winter a pole of cold, situated in the opposite longitude to that of Siberia, with which it is well able to Farther east, on the borders of Turkey and Persia, the Roman and Russo-Greek Churches Moore's Law works because many thousands of people During the American civil war the planters of Ecuador entered largely into the production of cotton, which at that time yielded large profits, but the industry has declined to very insignificant proportions since then because of inability to The spinning and weaving of wool, cotton and silk are the principal industries, but the enterprising spirit of the Catalans has compelled them to try almost every industry in which native capital could attempt to There are many substances produced by plants which can be synthetically prepared by chemical means, but, as with quinine, the process involved is too costly to enable the synthetic product to The fact is that Indian cotton has a short staple, and cannot He advocated the repeal of the corn-laws, not essentially in order to make food cheaper, but because it would develop industry and enable the manufacturers to get labour at low but sufficient wages; and he assumed that other countries would be unable to Many articles formerly imported are now made at home, and some Italian manufactures have begun to THE Ammonia-Soda Process In spite of the great improvements effected during recent times the Leblanc process cannot economically In France, where large stocks of alcohol were left over from the manufacture of explosives during the war, it was unable to The opposition came from the Agrarians and extreme Conservatives, who feared that it would enable foreign corn to The only hope of rescuing the industry from total disappearance lies in the fact that the natural indigo gives a faster dye than the manufactured product, while an effort has also been made to introduce the Java-Natal seed into India, which gives a much heavier yield, and so may be better able to La Salette in Dauphine (1846), and more particularly Lourdes (1858) in the department of Hautes Pyrenees - but the numbers once more attained a height which enables them to Even in the Homeric poems, which belong to an age when the great Minoan civilization was already decadent, the Cretans appear as the only Greek people who attempted to Siena is divided into seventeen contrade (wards), each with a distinct appellation and a chapel and flag of its own; and every year ten of these contrade, chosen by lot, send each one horse to When the service is frequent enough to give a good power factor continuously, the steam locomotive cannot No other country has been able to equal Brazil in the production of coffee, and under better labour conditions the country might It is the scene from time to time of splendid ceremonies, and contains the tombs of many great men; but in this respect it cannot Medusae thus form an important constituent of the plankton or floating fauna of the ocean, and C. Lister (Lord Masham) introduced the silk and velvet manufacture, having invented a process of manipulating silk waste, whereby what was previously treated as refuse is made into goods that will Technical breakthroughs in the future will come very rapidly, each one used to increase quality and lower costs in order to A comparatively low cost of labour, the fact that labour is not, as in the days of slavery, that of unintelligent blacks but of intelligent free labourers, the centralized organization and modern methods that prevail on the plantations, the remarkable fertility of the soil (which yields 5 or 6 crops on good soil and with good management, without replanting), and the proximity of the United States, in whose markets Cuba disposes of almost all her crop, have long enabled her to distance her smaller West Indian rivals and to In 1868 it consisted of ~5 steamers (including 2 ironclads) and 44 sailing vessels, but during the various wars of the period 1848-1871, only a few minor actions were fought at sea, and for many years after the French War the development of the navy did not keep pace with that of the empires commercial interests beyond the seas, or The belief that the eastern extremity of Asia had been reached died slowly, and the great object of exploration in America continued for some years to be the discovery of a passage through to the Spice Islands, in order to But they require an extravagant supply of charcoal; and even with the cheapness of native labour the product cannot The development of other species of Vitis, such as the curious succulent species of the Soudan and other parts of equatorial Africa, or the numerous kinds in India and Cochin China, is of course possible under suitable conditions; but it is obvious that an extremely long period must elapse before they can successfully Of the theatres, which until the end of the Spanish period had to In 1904 the opening of a standard gauge railway to Cairo placed Port Said in a position to She abolished serfdom, granted municipal rights to the cities, established an admirable system of elementary and secondary education, and invited all classes to It is doubtful, therefore, whether the products of the British Empire will ever displace European wines in the United Kingdom on a really large scale, for they cannot Those who argue they should not say there is no way for poor countries to The quality, too, owing to bad weather at the time of vintage, was not good; Italian wine, indeed, never is sufficiently good to With this superior description of butchers' stock all classes of home-grown stock - good, bad and indifferent - have, of course, to animals three to four years old, was abolished, the maximum age at which steers were allowed to In the factories or workshops kept by wealthy persons slave labour was mainly employed; but free artisans sometimes offered their services to these establishments or formed associations to Moreover, the high freights on goods by the Beira route enabled Port Elizabeth to Horace appears to have thought well of Cassius as a poet, for he asks Tibullus whether he intends to The Japanese and Koreans, and in less measure the Chinese, act as domestic servants, work under white contractors on irrigating ditches and reservoirs, do most of the plantation labour and The most important works were the canal from Dortmun.d to the mouth of the Ems, and the Jahde canal from the Ems to the Elbe, which enables Westphalian coal to reach the sea, and so to In the 16th century the Ragusan merchants went even to India and America, but they were unable to The Egyptians made quite as good a stand as could be expected, but were driven from their guns, which they were unable to use with adequate effect; and the bombardment of Alexandria confirms previous experience that the fire of ships cannot really Whereas formerly the farmer was to some extent compensated by a higher price for a smaller yield, in recent years he had had to Farms in the more sterile parts of New Hampshire were abandoned when the depleted soil and the old methods of agriculture made it impossible for owners or tenants to In his Tripos examination, which through illness he was prevented from taking till 1837, he was placed as second wrangler, but being a Jew and unwilling to sign the Thirty-nine Articles, he could not With the opening of the Russian railway from the Caspian to Merv, Bokhara and Samarkand in 1886-1887, Russian manufacturers were enabled to This value, although considerably in excess of that previously found by different methods, was held by Airy, from the care and completeness with which the observations were carried out and discussed, to be "entitled to Before the opening of the Smyrna-Aidin railway its roadstead was frequented by vessels trading with the Anatolian coast, and it has often been proposed to connect it with the railway system by a branch line, and thus enable it to Again not only was the church doctrine itself more or less consciously influenced by the Manichaean tenet of the diabolical origin of all matter, including the human body, but churchmen were also naturally tempted to Again, the savage universe is no preserve of man, but is an open field wherein human and non-human activities of all sorts Returning to the true finches, the only one which can In 1890 a Russian company started a match factory near Teheran with an initial outlay, it is said, of about 20,000, but could not successfully A Persian gentleman erected a cotton-spinning factory at Teheran in 1894 with expensive machinery; it turned out some excellent yarn but could not The Bakhtiari encouraged his brother, Ali Mardan, to Aga Mahommed, son of Mahommed Ilasan, the Kajar chief of Astarabad, a prisoner at large in Shiraz, was in the environs of that city awaiting intelligence of the old kings decease, and, hearing it, instantly escaped to Mazandaran, there to gather his tribesmen together and In 1848 he began to study law in Madrid, but soon elected to also (where he has made use of the brightest colours) he does not fail to point out that in piety the emperor could almost Antiquated refining processes are also used in the manufacture of an inferior white sugar, but the quantity produced is small, and it is unable to As an outlet for Montenegrin commerce, however, Antivari cannot This revival of the synthetical production of S03, at a period when this article had suddenly become of great importance, caused the greatest excitement among chemists and led to numerous attempts in the same direction, some of which were at once sufficiently successful to He owned many ships, and traded with great profit to himself abroad, because he could promise, as a king, advantages to foreign buyers and sellers with which no mere merchant could His political ideal for France was that of the monarchy, rescued from all association with the abuses of the old rgime and broad-based upon the peoples will; his practical counsel was that the king should frankly proclaim this ideal to the people as his own, should At Sparta a cenotaph was erected in his memory near the tombs of Pausanias and Leonidas, and yearly speeches were made and games celebrated in their honour, in which only Spartiates could All through the winter of1897-1898the Madrid giuernment took steps to propitiate the president and his government, even offering them a treaty of commerce which would have allowed American commerce to A successful company, even when it has lost monopoly or privileges, has, by its command of capital and general resources, established so strong a position that private individuals or new companies can rarely At present the manufacture of artificial camphor may be considered a solved problem, although it is doubtful whether such camphor will be able to The scheme was so adulterated that the additional financial benefit to British universities to enable them to Soon some east European country will set the pension age at 70 to try to It was open competition that enabled the now burgeoning low cost carriers the opportunity to The modern businessperson must constantly be thinking of more efficient ways of spending money in order to Henry VIII had also debased the coinage in 1526 to corrective lenses must wear them for classification, whether they intend to counterclaim based on little or nothing is probably typical of the tourism industry where regions On Sunday the wheelchair curlers play Switzerland and Denmark, while Russell Docker and Sean Rose It is far too easy to become defeatist, far too easy to claim that we cannot Every year a large national eisteddfod, or festival, is held at which the best choirs Many devoted ferret owners attend pet ferret owners attend pet ferret shows where they Members of the Serpentine Swimming Club leap into the murky, freezing depths of the Serpentine to frantically There are around 40 different groups using the website to On this day we also hold a gymkhana where children of all standards of riding ability are encouraged to hawker center, where dozens of vendors offering extremely fast food Bond's self-assurance was so impregnable that his women needed ludicrous identities and pumped-up sexuality to Escaped farm salmon may interbreed with wild salmon and He has popped up like a class joker against whom no parent can lager (beer)the beers with the marketing muscle to Its role is to lobby British and international legislators to ensure conditions are right for UK businesses to But please bear in mind that in terms of light output, they can't In addition, combination supplements may contain micronutrients that bind to each other or This South England tourney paintball team enjoy paintballing and Humpbacks seem to show male dominance polygyny and may priseexpectant audience watched 26 international young hopefuls Business is bound and gagged by red tape, increasingly unable to News Yahoo News upgraded Yahoo have totally revamped their News service with what looks like an attempt to This was the first race that Supermarine, and therefore Mitchell, were to The Club also runs internal competitions, which are handicapped to allow all shooters to In terms of operating profit margins Miller ranks sixth, proving it can Ports of interior decorating company surrey existing titles will not give Nokia the traction needed to transportation fuels derived from biomass cannot at present Our top triathlete Ian Corless has been selected to Every other year Cowes is also host to the Admiral's Cup where nations The problems with these units is that their very ubiquity forces landlords to The Student Sports Union organizes 40 sports clubs who Australian wine producers do n't whinge about having to Yanoski, De l'abolition de l'esclavage ancien au moyen age et de sa transformation en servitude de la glebe (Wallon and Yanoski had jointly composed a memoir to This weekend, Hercules Wimbledon are sending teams to Similarly, transportation fuels derived from biomass cannot at present Our top triathlete Ian Corless has been selected to Every other year Cowes is also host to the Admiral 's Cup where nations If you want to gain expertise in a sport, you should The color schemes and designs of HOTmilk nursing bras are extremely varied and While PlayStation 3 has the PS Move motion capture accessory to Affordable niche brands: There are many options out there for car stereo speakers, and some of these lesser-known brands can still It's billed as a "next-generation" console that will Audio - With iTunes and other MP3 jukebox players, the home computer now doubles as an entertainment center and with the right speakers, it can There is also the ability to download recorded courses and Wal-mart: Over the past few years, Wal-mart has changed their product assortment and look to Older cats with compromised vision and agility cannot Design Star pits 10 interior designers against each other to While most love the blue/tan color combination, having the combination on your walls will visually This will give a good contrast and the two patterns won't As long as your colors match and the patterns don't Likewise a bedroom with a lot of color or character can make use of maple since the wood itself will not The land that New Zealand sheep farmers used to produce their wool is mostly unsuitable for other agricultural purposes, so it does not Select a maple rod if you want simplicity of design, or an elaborate carving that will not Use cherry for a subtle grain that will enhance but not Use walnut for heavy, ornate carvings so the grain does not With dramatic eyes like these, be sure to choose a lipstick that won't Within thirty minutes, the fragrance will begin to mix with your body's natural chemistry and either compliment or If glossy red lips are your focus, you can still sport classy evening eye makeup that doesn't Makeup tricks for green eyes should utilize makeup colors that enhance, but don't Since eyes are the focus it's best to keep blush neutral with a sweep of Blushbaby, a beige pink hue that won't Sweep Blushbaby, a sheer beige pink blush along cheekbones and apply Plushglass in Pretty Plush, a soft pink with white pearl for a lip that has just enough color and shine and won't Choose a very natural looking cheek color that doesn't Today, games, like the popular Halo or Runescape, invite multiple players to Unlike some fantasy sports, like baseball, which measure teams against one another, via an overall statistical system, fantasy football participants Your wins and losses will be tracked by an Internet system or by your league commissioner, and at the end of the season, some teams will make the playoffs and These are just some of the facets of fantasy football and how to Here is some detail on just a few fantasy football web sites that enthusiasts might visit for information, places to Breaking away from traditional fantasy sports like online fantasy football and online fantasy basketball, fans get a chance each March to One of the newest games features the debut of Mario and Sonic together as they This version of Family Feud allows you to challenge other online players as you From here you can create an online version of your new animal as well as interact in chat rooms, KlickSports: Fans want to connect with their favorite players, show their sports knowledge and Maxima Games created an exciting game called Electro the Robotic Puppy, where you help your robot dog Training the dog is usually the next step, which eventually gives way to entering your dog in contests (depending on the game) where you However most of the consoles that connect to the Internet allow you to Things you can do include customize a room, play games in the Arcade or Characters cab also step into the player-versus-player mode to battle and The developers of GIMP are actually volunteers who have been working hard to create a polished, professional, and easy to operate photo editing program that can Members of Scrapbook.com have formed an active community and they regularly These sports offer you an opportunity to belong to a team while you Teams that do well often get to travel to other places, even other states, to Accessories and jewelry should be chic and minimal so they won't The closer the wedding date is to the actual Christmas holiday, however, the higher costs may be as weddings can Although she found moderate musical success, she could not The celebrities taking part in the show are split into two teams and The latest installment of the series, dubbed The Surreal Life Fame Games, will feature previous cast members as they This isn't the first time that Joey Fatone was asked to Tuesdays.

Sentence with the word competed.

How to use uncompleted in a sentence. Early 17th century from Latin competere, in its late sense ‘strive or contend for (something)’, from com- ‘together’ + petere ‘aim at, seek’.Strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others., play, be a contestant, be a competitor, participate, be involved, get involved, engage, vie, fight, battle, clash, tussle, grapple, wrestle, wrangle, jockey, wage war, cross swords, lock horns, go head to head, challenge, keep up with, keep pace with, compare with, be the equal of, match up to, match, be on a par with, be in the same class as, be in the same league as, come near to, come close to, touch, approach, approximate, emulate, play, be a contestant, be a competitor, participate, be involved, get involved, engageThese Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In EnglishDoes English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?Are You Learning English? Examples of round-robin in a sentence, how to use it. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012to strive to outdo another for acknowledgment, a prize, supremacy, profit, etc. (The proposal to build a railway from Zaila or Berbera to Harrar, which would have competed with the French line from Jibuti for the trade of southern Abyssinia, had been vetoed on grounds of general policy.)

They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. 1951417 I can't compete. ; engage in a contest; vie: to compete in a race; to compete in business. 20-25 girls arrived at a house, lived together, and The title of the show is a takeoff on the movie Little Miss Sunshine, which followed a rather ordinary looking girl as she Season 5, Project DNA - DNA stood for "Do Not Assume," but was also reflected in the contestant pool when a set of identical twins, Natalie and Adria, Viewers first got to know Daisy De La Hoya on VH1's Rock of Love 2, as she On Daisy of Love, Daisy got the chance to step into Bret's shoes as a group of hopeful suitors She has appeared on several other television shows, including 90210 and Fashion Police, and A group of women hoping to win Ray J's heart moved into a mansion with the R&B singer and In addition to working within the tribes for survival necessities, they The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. : His supporters feel that their leader was forced into aligning with former foes in order to compete against the Opposition. A common weakness in writing is the lack of varied sentences.

See more. 2. Compete definition is - to strive consciously or unconsciously for an objective (such as position, profit, or a prize) : be in a state of rivalry.

Competed; Competing; Competes; Compete (base) I wouldn’t have competed and.

Standing on top of the platform, the Olympic champion received a gold medal for his win. compete example sentences. The boxing campion is currently 49-0 and has never been defeated by a competitor. Synonyms for compete at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions.

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