And Andy Lulham added: "Don't burn all your matches on the first false climb. You'll be out of the saddle for sure for the next 500m but the nice thing about Chapel is there's enough room for you, your bike and a car coming the opposite way - unlike some climbs in this part of the world - and you can trust the road surface as there's no potholes worthy of the name.It was ever so close between Chapel and Crocknorth (see below) for the No10 spot on this list, but Chapel wins it on a split decision from the judges. Photographs © Craig Denford Photography 2019 and John Miller 2019.This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Fancy challenging Broleur? Thought I had him as the gradient started to ease but the little tyro smoothly sailed past to leave me in his wake. When you reach the junction, get on to Lawbrook Lane to extend the climb a bit further.Do you have any harder hills near you? There's even a short downhill bit but don't be deceived, the worst is still to come.Winterfold then ramps up to more than 10% to really exhaust the legs before applying the coup de grace, a brutal 21% 500m stretch to the top, where it's ever so tempting to dab down a foot and take a breather.For a lung-bursting, swear-you'll never-go-back hill, try out Take the turning off Barrow Green Road and what you're about to take on becomes instantly obvious as the chalk-white cliff looms large ahead.You pass under the M25 and then it's time to stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, as Chalkpit slaps you in the face with a 20% gradient and a lumpy road surface more akin to its nearby It doesn't ease off, the lactic acid will be flowing freely and you'll start to wonder why you ever took up this cycling lark.But it will all be worth it when you reach the crossroads at the top and get to bask in the glow of your achievement.Just across the A24 from the bottom of Box Hill is the delightful village of Westhumble and Chapel Lane, which features in the The first 2km or so aren't anything to write home about, just a gentle rise, but it's in the final kilometre that things start to get interesting/painful.To be fair, the warning signs are there - or rather sign - telling you about the 20% gradient that's coming up. Map 3 covers Netley Heath and Aldbury Downs. You hit a hairpin and it's a solid grind.Luckily, just when you think you've had enough, Whitedown gives you a bit of respite with a flatter section before ramping up for the final 100m or so.Whitedown might have come in higher but the road, for the most part, is in excellent condition and you never really feel hemmed in by the foliage on either side.Thanks to Michael Glan of the Facebook group London Cycling for the tip for this You get about 50m to build some momentum before being confronted by a wall of a hill that wouldn't look out of place in Game of Thrones.Make sure you're already in granny gear because you won't be getting out of it for the next 500m. Pitch Hill is a favourite spot for mountain biking so avoid weekends when the car park is jampacked and watch out for bikes using steep narrow tracks that cross major paths.Such an enjoyable ride - I would highly recommend this.Surrey Hills would like to thank all the many people who have contributed to the site.Website Design, Development & Support by Akiko Design. You'll be out of breath by the top but you won't be absolutely knackered. Take a right on to Barhatch Lane from the B2127 just as you enter Cranleigh and there's a good kilometre or so of gentle climbing, which will allow you to build a rhythm before the main slog. The reason Sheephouse doesn't make the top 10 is because this leg-sapping gradient only lasts for about 300m and is followed by a gentle rise for 2.5km to the top, where you can recuperate.Nearly forgot to say that it's incredibly narrow, so if a car is coming the other way, you may have to stop. It's difficult to get any purchase on a surface that resembles a World War I No Man's Land with wheel spins aplenty.It's not a massively long climb, though, so you'll know you're near the finish when you see a sharp bend to the right.
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