I've always preferred Hammett's style - more forthright, and yet intricate and layered. “I had a funny feeling as I saw the house disappear, as though I had written a poem and it was very good and I had lost it and would never remember it again.” Marlowe trails the owner's daughter in law, thinking she stole the coin. You get that from the conversations Marlowe has with the lawn jockey ornament and from the flippant and non serious way he talks to his clients. I was trying to rile him and was (kind of) joking. Classic. Mr. Marlowe is required to find the priceless gold coin stolen from her, the Brasher Doubloon, in her late husband's collection apparently by Linda Conquest , who left in a hurry, not happy, a former singer in night clubs, her weak son's Leslie's, wife.... but dear old mother, loves him... the jerk...he has surprise, huge gambling debts.

Usually not considered one of the highlights of Chandler's compact oeuvre, about halfway through it struck me how difficult it is to distinguish between "great" Chandler and the "merely good," as this is really terrific stuff.How can I not love a detective novel that includes allusions to Wuthering Heights and the Diary of Pepys?

She came to the door wiping her hands on the apron and kissed me on the mouth and began to cry and ran back into the house, leaving the doorway empty [...] I had a funny feeling as I saw the house disappear, as though I had written a poem and it was very good and I had lost it and would never remember it again. I once almost got in to a fist fight with an acquaintance for suggesting that Dashiell Hammett was a better writer than Raymond Chandler. He was leaning forward so far he was almost out of his chair. It’s all about the characters and the plot is secondary and wraps up rather tidily in the last twenty pages or so. From ten feet away she looked like something made up to be seen from thirty feet away.” Amazon calculates a product’s star ratings based on a machine learned model instead of a raw data average. Few libraries carry it and finding a used paperback copy is a rare event.“About as useful as two lost golf balls.” - Raymond Chandler, The High WindowAn American classic, but man is it dated. In Pasadena, a small, quiet, wealthy city outside L.A. lives in one of those mansions that some people envy, other hate a certain Mrs. Elizabeth Bright Murdock, tNow our friend Philip Marlowe, a private dick in Los Angeles during the 1940's , is a nice guy...most of the time, he wouldn't murder anyone who didn't need it, maybe not real accurate, but in this novel he does let two killers escape justice...the victims were worst than the perpetrators.

The intoxicated lady is a little rotund, the kind who can't see her feet if she were to stand up, which she seldom will.

Too many new authors try too hard for the cheap joke, the tawdry clues, and the silly plot. Welcome back. You can still see all customer reviews for the product.

I believe you just can't beat the old ones. I have a feeling you are going to be very brilliant. “When I left Merle was wearing a bungalow apron and rolling pie crust.

The best character in the book is, without question, the elevator operator. Will Marlowe be able to find who stole the doubloon without winding up on the pile of corpses left in its wake?Philip Marlowe is hired to find the Brasher doubloon, a valuable gold coin stolen from its owner. ‘All right. Join Ivy’s Group for access to bonus content … Read More

This was the third of Chandler's books and is not as highly regarded as the first two ("The Big Sleep" and "Farewell, My Lovely") or as some of his later books such as "The Long Good-bye." California in the 1940s and 1950s is as beautiful as a ripe fruit and rotten to the core, and Marlowe must struggle to retain his integrity amidst the corruption he encounters daily.

“Get on with it.

I looked back at Breeze. She had pewter-colored hair set in a ruthless permanent, a hard beak and moist eyes with the sympathetic expression of wet stones.” “Get on with it. Is there any wonder why Marlowe’s only friend is booze?Another hard-boiled detective novel starring the quintessential noir detective, Philip Marlowe. “After a moment I pushed my chair back and went over to the french windows.

Find books like The High Window (Philip Marlowe, #3) from the world’s largest community of readers. Few libraries carry it and finding a used paperback copy is a rare event. I love books, stationery, cats and drinking copious amounts of caffeine. While Chandler's noir focuses on the underbelly of American life, the level of individual corruption (the psychological exploitation of Merle Davis) How can I not love a detective novel that includes allusions to Wuthering Heights and the Diary of Pepys? A copper lamp, pen set and pencil tray, a glass and copper ashtray with a copper elephant on the rim, a copper letter opener, a copper thermos bottle on a copper tray, copper corners on the blotter holder. So why is The High Window a great novel? They have such complicated problems hat ors almost impossible to untwist them. I’ve learned this the hard way. [I loved that after Marlowe figured out the whole mess that he essentially just threw up his hands and decided to let it play out with only a few nudges from him while he focused on trying to help the one true victim. Just like a detective in a book.”“All right,” he said wearily. Not a lot of cerebral challenges in this book. Upstairs windows were of the cottage type and had a lot of rococo imitation stonework trimming around them. He doesn't live in a post-Civil Rights Movement world and he is not woke to how, say, a lawn jockey can be offensive to readersin a post-George Floyd world.

Marlowe trails the owner's daughter in law, thinking she stole the coin. “Una tipa que sonaba a borracha perdida cantaba ''Frankie and Johnny'' en versión marinera, con una voz que ni el whisky había logrado mejorar.”

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