Who doesn't agree with that statement?

His visibility allowed the numerous and less prominent groups to gain a constituency … By 1988, there were serious cash flow problems and Falwell dismantled the organization in 1989.During its existence the Moral Majority experienced friction with other evangelical leaders and organizations as well as liberal leaders and organizations. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription.

Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... It played a key role in the mobilization of conservative Christians as a political force and particularly in Republican presidential victories throughout the 1980s. The evangelical minister and televangelist By 1987–88, the views of the Moral Majority were challenged widely and the organization started to crumble.

[1] Jerry Falwell became the point man for an already growing number of Christian activists and organizations. Christian fundamentalists were alarmed by a number of developments that, in their view, threatened to undermine the country’s traditional moral values. Look at the approval numbers for any Congress during the last decade. Politics is a dirty business.
Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.The Moral Majority was formed in response to the social and cultural transformations that occurred in the Against this backdrop, Falwell established the Moral Majority, which he described as pro-family and pro-American. Fetner, Tina.

Another is the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. The Rise of the Moral Majority. "Advance and Retreat in the Palmetto State: Assessing the Christian Right in South Carolina," In 1987 Falwell resigned as president, and around this time several prominent evangelists became embroiled in scandal.

Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

It was founded in 1979 by Baptist minister Jerry Falwell Sr. and associates, and dissolved in the late 1980s. It advanced The Moral Majority remained a political force during the first half of the 1980s, working at both the state and national levels. The Moral Majority was a prominent American political organization associated with the Christian right and Republican Party.

Leaders within the Moral Majority asked ministers give their congregants political direction, reminding congregants when to vote, whom to vote for, and why the Moral Majority held particular positions on issues.The Moral Majority was a relatively early supporter of Reagan, endorsing him before the Republican convention.Reagan sought input from the Moral Majority leadership during his campaign and appointed the Rev.

In a general …

This statistic shows that many people do not like politicians.

Whatever happened to the Moral Majority, who heade Now a National Bestseller. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. The Moral Majority was formed in response to the social and cultural transformations that occurred in the United States in the 1960s and ’70s. In the pursuit of electoral victory, many American evangelicals embraced moral relativism and toxic partisanship. The Moral Majority and the rise of the religious right is of considerable interest to historians for many reasons.

Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The intent of the organization is to continue the "evangelical revolution" to help conservative politicians get elected.

How the Religious Right Shaped Lesbian and Gay Activism, p. 60. "Virginia: Birthplace of the Christian Right," Vinson, C. Danielle and James L. Guth (2003). How the Religious Right Shaped Lesbian and Gay Activism, p. 58. Evangelicals are losing the culture war. Rozell, Mark J. and Clyde Wilcox (2003).

For example, In November 2004, Falwell revived the Moral Majority name for a new organization, the Moral Majority Coalition.

Robert Billings, the Moral Majority's first executive director, to be a religious advisor to the campaign.The Moral Majority maintained their support for Reagan's 1984 reelection campaign and, alongside other Christian Right organizations, influenced the Republican platform for the election, shaping the party's campaign stances on school prayer and abortion.1988 was the last presidential election for which the Moral Majority was an active organization.

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Copyright 2020 which statement identifies the reasons for the rise of the moral majority?