Chucky causes the Kaslan Car where she is travelling to crash, before stabbing her. Harold courageously sacrifices his own life by jumping on a live grenade Chucky set off to prevent it from injuring other cadets. Karen enferme alors la poupée dans un placard, mais il s'échappe et terrorise encore plus Shane, ce qui l'amène à affronter Andy. Appears in the 2019 film of (played by Ty Consiglio) - One of Andy's new friends. Appears in the (played by Dean Jacobson) - Andy's cowardly friend and roommate at Kent Military Academy. (played by Marlon Kazadi) - A neighbor of Andy and one of his new friends. Child's Play is a 1988 American horror film directed and co-written by Tom Holland, and produced by David Kirschner from a story by Don Mancini. He then uses his car phone to call his girlfriend, Gabrielle, who inadvertently reminds Mattson to purchase some vodka. (portrayed by Trent Redekop) - A perverse, building voyeur and electician of the apartment who takes Chucky to the basement to prepare him for sale online. Il s'agit d'un reboot de Jeu d'enfant, premier film de la série Chucky, sorti en 1988. Résumé détaillé. After Mattson's death, Gabrielle is never mentioned again. Chucky Movies. While Mattson is in the liquor store, Chucky looks through Andy's files and calls the orphanage claiming to be Andy's uncle in an effort to gain information about Andy's current residence. Appears in the 2019 film of (played by Carlease Burke) - The mother of Mike Norris in the 2019 film. Appears in the 2019 film of Gabrielle is the girlfriend of Play Pals, Inc. executive Mattson. Karen encourage son fils à se faire de nouveaux amis pendant qu'elle prépare son anniversaire. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Appears in the 2019 film of (played by Adam Hurtig) - A corrupt police officer. Later in the film, it's revealed Chucky was able to possess Alice but she apparently "died" after one of Chucky's intended victims fought back against her. The character for Andy is portrayed by Justin Whalin. It is never revealed who discovers Mattson's dead body and what kind of consequences if any it had on the Play Pals Toy Company. Suspectant Andy d'être le tueur, Mike se rend également au centre commercial et l'appréhende au moment où Chucky prend le contrôle total du magasin. Mattson eventually looks in the rear view mirror and realizes that it has been Chucky all along. Appears in However at the end of “Cult of Chucky”, The Tiffany doll is alive, Presumably Alice. La multinationale Kaslan Corporation vient de lancer À Chicago, la vendeuse Karen Barclay et son fils malentendant de treize ans, Andy, emménagent dans leur nouvel appartement.
After much pleading and begging to be left alone, Chucky shoots him and water streams down Mattson's face. Après avoir entendu Andy, en larmes et en colère, souhaiter que Shane disparaisse à jamais, Chucky suit celui-ci jusqu'à son domicile, où il est révélé que Shane est un homme marié et a en fait une liaison avec Karen dans le dos de sa femme. In the next film, Alice was revealed to have been put under the guardianship of Chucky's girlfriend, Tiffany Valentine who tells Nica that Alice died.

Chucky electrocutes her to death. Alice is manipulated by Chucky and used as his pawn, much as Andy Barclay was in the original installment. Child's Play (also known as Chucky) is an American horror franchise that consists of eight slasher films and numerous comic books.The main antagonist is Chucky (except the fourth and fifth films), also known as Charles Lee Ray, the notorious Lakeshore Strangler, whose soul was passed into a Good Guy Doll. Home Science Math History Literature Technology Health Law Business All Topics Random. Le lendemain, Chucky livre le visage écorché de Shane à Andy, horrifié. Appears in When Mattson drives off in his car after work, he uses his phone to call Gabrielle who inadvertently reminds Mattson to purchase vodka for their two-week anniversary celebration. But before Mattson can react, Chucky places a Play Pals Toy Company plastic bag with a Good Guys logo over Mattson's head and suffocates him. Appears in (played by Maitland McConnell) - live-in nanny of Alice and was having an affair with Barb even though she was married to Ian. Le chaos se déchaîne alors que plusieurs employés, clients et enfants sont brutalement tués par des ours en peluches Au lendemain de la frénésie meurtrière de Chucky, Henry Kaslan, PDG de Le film sort en DVD et Blu-ray le 23 octobre 2019, avec de nombreux bonus en suppléments. Initially Mattson did not know that it was Chucky and that the gun was a fake.
Tandis que Shane est dehors en train d'allumer des guirlandes de Noël, Chucky l'effraie, Shane tombe de l'échelle et se casse les deux jambes. When Mattson returns to his car, Chucky threatens him with a water pistol. After finding Father Frank dead in a car accident, Stanton investigates Frank's death. Alors que le détective de la police Mike Norris ouvre une enquête, Andy, Falyn et Pugg décident de désactiver Chucky et de le jeter à la poubelle. Chucky, repaired, torments Gabe before mutilating him with a table saw. Jeremy Sylvers, best known for his role in 'Child's Play 3,' is now a 34-year-old problem child for his mom ... who's been busted for stealing her car! Stanton is later murdered in his car by Tiffany. Pour tenter de réconforter Andy du malaise causé par le déménagement, ainsi que par la présence de son nouveau petit ami, Shane, Karen fait chanter son patron afin de se procurer une poupée Andy arrive à la maison le lendemain pour constater que son chat est mort et Chucky admet l'avoir assassiné pour qu'il ne lui fasse plus aucun mal. Appears in (played by herself) - An exaggerated version of Tilly, herself, and Tiffany's idol. At the film's conclusion, Tiffany appears to show some degree of remorse over Alice's death. His death greatly upsets both his crush and Andy. « embrasse l’ère du temps avec roublardise, faisant de la domotique et du tout-numérique ses nouveaux terrains de jeux sanglants et comiques »« une série B décomplexée et pleine d'autodérision, qui ne vole pas forcément très haut, mais qui a le mérite de divertir, sans prise de tête » Puis, la poupée met en marche un motoculteur qui le scalpe et le tue. Stanton arrives at the Pierce residence, only to find Barb's corpse and incorrectly concludes Nica was the culprit. Once Mattson parks the car, Chucky commands him to put his arms behind the seat and Mattson complies.

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